What is the WOV staff?

Here you will find some information about us, who we are, what our job is, and more.

The staff is divided in several categories:

Curious about who has those roles? Check out this overview!


The developers are the game creators!

They are ones behind all new features and do their best to fix evil bugs.

Discord staff

The discord staff is divided in several positions. All of them take care in a way or in another of the official discord server


Helpers are users who have passed the trial helper phase. Helpers take care of #feedback, #bugs and #questions. They help keeping the server a clean and safe place.
Applications for trial helpers are sometimes opened in #discord-announcements.


Minimods are users who have passed the trial minimod phase. Minimods have the same tasks as helpers but can also take care of misbehaving users. They also handle submissions for #vote.


Moderators can ban users from the discord. They manage the staff team and events. They also take care of most badges and some game-related topics.


They are the admins of the server. They manage all staff and focus on things such as rules, bans from the server, and other related topics. Megamod is the highest rank in staff and also the hardest one to get.



Guardians take care of ingame reports and bans. They also handle GuardianMail tickets. All guardians are over 18, speak english and never had any ingame ban.

Guardian Manager Helper

The guardian manager helpers handles guardian-related reports. They help the guardian manager manage the guardian team.

Guardian Manager

The guardian manager handles guardian-related reports. They manage the team and decide if new guardians are necessary.



Mentors answer game-related questions via mentor chat. This is via another platform than discord. All mentors are over 18 and speak english.

Mentor Manager Helper

The mentor manager helpers handles mentor-related reports. They help the mentor manager manage the mentor team.

Mentor Manager

The mentor managers handle the mentor team and take care of more aspects of it. They also choose if new mentors are needed.

Social media managers

Each social media manager handles one of the official account/platform listed below

Tester Club


They handle tests of weird and funky scenarios in the Tester Club sideserver and the server in itself.


They take care of the Tester Club sideserver with almost all permissions.


Those are contributors to WOV, but not considered staff members


Designers create awesome new outfits for the game! Everyone is free to try, the role is obtained via some requirements.


There are different projects that translators adapt to their own language. To become one, read #become-a-translator.

Designed and coded by calypso.moonlace

Background-image by Lazarck#4756.