How can I get those roles?

Here you will see more detailed explanations on how to apply for various roles.

For all positions, you have to be on the discord server.

What does each position take care of?


It is currently impossible to join the developer team.

This skin is only available to devs

Discord staff

Applications for trial helper are sometimes available through #discord-announcements.
The requirements are:

  • English understanding
  • Preferably being over 15
  • Overall maturity
  • Game knowledge

It is not possible to apply for minimod or mod as those roles are earned from doing a good work as helper.

These items are available to those who passed their trial phase and successfuly became staff members for good.

The whole outfit (gravestone included) is available to those who remained staff members for over a year.

The above also applies to mod items, with an additional badge.


Applications for guardian are sometimes available through #discord-announcements.
The requirements are:

  • English understanding
  • Has to be over 18 and willing to sign a contract with Wolvesville
  • No ingame ban
  • Be willing to go through a voice chat with managers
  • Overall maturity

It not possible to apply for guardian manager as it is exceptionally earned from hard work

These items are available to those who have officially become guardians and did their work.

The whole outfit (gravestone included) and an additional badge is available to epic guardians, who gave over 5000 bans.


Applications for mentor are sometimes available through #discord-announcements.
The requirements are:

  • English understanding
  • Has to be over 18 and willing to sign a contract with Wolvesville
  • Game knowledge
  • Be willing to go through a voice chat with managers
  • Overall maturity

It is not possible to apply for mentor manager as it is exceptionally earned from hard work

These items are available to those who have officially become mentors and did their work.

The whole outfit (gravestone included) and additional badge is available to epic mentors, who have been there for a long time and contributed a lot.

Social media managers

It is usually not possible to apply for social media manager as they are handpicked when they are needed.

These items are available to those who have officially become social media managers and did their work.

The whole outfit (gravestone included) is available to those who remained staff members for over a year.


To become a translator, check the dedicated channel: #become-a-translator
If your language is opened (with a number beside it), contact the translator helper of your language.
You need to be able to speak:

  • English
  • The language you're applying for

It not possible to apply for translator manager as it is a mod only role.

These items are available to those who have translated 200 strings.

The whole outfit (gravestone included) and additional badge is available to those who have translated 500 strings.


To become a designer, you have to submit new avatars for the game. For that, you can use the dedicated channel (to get feedback): #avatar-ideas To submit it for #vote, contact a minimod in dms with the final version and any reference used.
You need to:

  • Respect copyright
  • Follow the style guideline
  • Be over 18 or have a legal guardian to sign a copyright contract

It not possible to apply for designer manager or designer supervisor.

These items are available to those who have gotten a skin ingame.

The whole outfit (gravestone included) and additional badge is available to those who have gotten 10 or more skins ingame.

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Designed and coded by calypso.moonlace

Background-image by Lazarck#4756.